How to Write High-Converting Ad Copy for Google and Bing Ads

How to Write High-Converting PPC Ad Copy | Evolving Digital

On average, Google Ads on the Search Network have a click-through rate (CTR) of just 1.91%, while Bing Ads sit slightly higher at 2.83%. These numbers show that grabbing your target audience’s attention is no walk in the park. Effective ad copy boosts your CTR and can increase your conversion rates—averaging 3.75% for Google Ads and 2.94% for Bing Ads—turning clicks into customers and giving you more bang for your buck.

So, what makes a top-notch ad? First, you’ve got your headlines and descriptions—the core ad text that speaks directly to your target keywords and addresses what your audience is searching for.

Including a solid call to action and highlighting your unique selling points can make your ad more persuasive. Then there’s the display URL, which should be clean and give a clear idea of where users will land, building trust along the way. Ad extensions are the extra bits like phone numbers or additional site links that make your ad stand out even more.

And let’s not forget the landing page—it must match your Bing or Google ads copy to persuade potential customers to engage.

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Why Audience Research is the Secret Sauce to Successful Ads

Whether you’re running search ads or a display campaign, you must know who you’re talking to. A well-defined target audience helps you create more effective ad copies. This ensures you’re not wasting budget and improves ad relevance, ultimately leading to higher click-through rates and conversions.

B2B vs. B2C Audience

Understanding the difference between B2B and B2C audiences is crucial when writing Bing or Google ad copy. B2B (business-to-business) buyers tend to focus more on long-term value and solving specific problems. They’re usually managers or stakeholders who take more time in the decision-making process.

Therefore, your text ads should emphasise your product’s impact on business efficiency or ROI. Use an ad extension like callouts or sitelinks to showcase case studies or industry certifications. The ad’s tone of voice is often more formal and technical. It should convince your target audience that you are the solution to a complex business need.

B2C (business-to-customer) buyers, on the other hand, are more emotionally driven. They usually prioritise personal benefits and frequently pursue instant gratification, convenience, or personal satisfaction.

Therefore, your PPC ad copy should focus on the product or service’s personal benefits, such as ease of use, lifestyle enhancements, or emotional satisfaction. Effective search ads for B2C customers often include shorter, punchier calls to action (CTAs) and may leverage urgency or special offers (“Buy Now,” “Limited Time Offer,” etc.). B2C search ads also tend to be more visually appealing and focus on immediate results or rewards.

Targeting the Right Stage in the Buyer’s Journey

It’s equally important to consider where your target audience is in the buyer’s journey when designing Google ads campaigns. Not every user is ready to convert. A Google ad that works for someone in the “Awareness” stage will look very different from an ad designed for someone ready to purchase the “Decision” stage.

Awareness Stage

At this point, potential customers are just discovering your product or service. Search ads here should focus on providing information rather than pushing for an immediate sale. Highlight how you can solve a problem they may be experiencing without being too aggressive. It should also include informational CTAs like “Learn More” or “Find Out How.” Your landing page should offer valuable content like guides or free resources.

Consideration Stage

Your audience here is aware of their problem and is comparing options. Therefore, your ad group copy should emphasise your unique selling points. Include social proof like testimonials in your ad variations to help build trust. Lastly, use ad extensions to showcase features, pricing or specific benefits.

Decision Stage

At this stage, potential customers are ready to convert. So when writing Google ads copy, make sure you should focus on urgency or special deals to encourage immediate action. CTAs like “Buy Now” or “Get Started Today” work well here. Your landing page should be tailored to conversion. It should have minimal distractions and a clear, strong CTA. Make sure to regularly test your ad copy to maximise conversions.

7 Tips on Writing Ad Copy that Converts

To help you get the most out of your Google and Bing Ads, here are some key tips for writing high-converting ad copy that can boost your campaigns.

1. Align Your Keywords with User Search Intent

One of the most effective ways to improve the performance of your ads is to align your keywords with what your audience is searching for. By incorporating the exact phrases and terms Google users enter into search queries, you’re signalling that they’ve found what they’re looking for. This boosts your click-through rates and helps build trust with potential customers.

Think of it this way: If you order an Americano at a coffee shop, you expect the barista to call out “Americano” when it’s ready—not just “Coffee.” While both are technically correct, one is more specific and tailored to your request. The same principle applies to your Google Ads. If your ad closely matches the search query, you tell the user they’re in the right place.


Tips for Using Keywords to Match Search Intent:

2. Tap Into Emotion to Boost Conversions

The psychology behind consumer behaviour shows that people are more likely to engage with Bing or Google search ads that resonate emotionally. Tapping into emotions such as excitement, exclusivity, or urgency can create a powerful connection with your audience, making them more likely to click, convert, and engage with your brand. In a world where we’re bombarded with 6,000 to 10,000 ads daily, emotional triggers can help you cut through the noise.


Unlock Higher Clicks with These 3 Emotional Triggers

People respond readily when they find something enjoyable, noteworthy, or interesting. According to studies, ads that tap into emotions are 31% more successful than those focusing purely on logic. You can use excitement for new product launches, urgency for limited-time offers and exclusivity for VIP access to drive clicks.

Take, for example, an ad with the headline, “Hurry! Only 24 Hours Left for 50% Off!” This creates a sense of urgency and triggers a fear of missing out (FOMO), pushing potential customers to act quickly. Similarly, using language like “Exclusive Offer for First 100 Customers” appeals to people’s desire for exclusivity and status, making them feel part of an elite group.

Pro Tip

Use numbers and time frames to amplify urgency. Pairing this with countdown timers in Google Ads Platform or similar tools in Bing can further drive the sense of urgency.

But it’s not just about the words; visuals play a significant role too. Studies have shown that colour can evoke certain feelings in a person, heavily influencing conversion rates. For instance, changing the call-to-action button of an online ad from light green to yellow can increase conversion rates by 14.5%. A coloured border around a Facebook ad image can also double the click-through rate. Colour contrast helps as well—contrasting colours of two links within a single image can increase the conversion rate by 60%.

For an effective Google Ads campaign, you can use Responsive Search Ads (RSAs) to automatically test different headlines and descriptions that use varying emotional appeals. Google’s machine learning can help identify which triggers are resonating best with your target audience.

3. Answer Key Questions to Build Trust and Drive Clicks

One of the hallmarks of creating good Google Ads is anticipating the questions your potential customers might have and addressing them upfront. Answering key queries can help you build trust and make it easier for users to take the next step. Not only does this make effective Bing and Google ads but also improves the overall user experience.

When you’re running ads, think about the common concerns your audience may probably have. Here are a few examples:

Incorporating these FAQs directly into your copy helps eliminate barriers to conversion. So if you do offer free shipping or a money-back guarantee, you want to indicate this in your ad copy right away.

4. Write Persuasive Call-to-Actions (CTA)

A Call-to-Action (CTA) is the cornerstone of any successful campaign. It guides users to take the next step, whether making a purchase, signing up, or downloading an app. A well-crafted, persuasive CTA can make or break your campaign’s success, turning curious visitors into engaged customers. However, a weak or vague CTA can leave users unsure about what to do next, lowering your chances of conversion.

For example, if a user searches for “best gym memberships,” they’re likely ready to enroll. So, if your ad presents a vague CTA like “Learn More,” you risk losing them to a competitor who’s offering “Join Now & Get 20% Off Your First Month.” Strong CTAs are designed to match the user’s intent, prompting them to act without hesitation.

According to studies, personalised CTAs convert 42% more visitors than generic alternatives, moving potential customers through the sales funnel more efficiently. Additionally, using specific, action-oriented language in CTAs can increase sign ups by up to 121% compared to passive alternatives. Adding urgency, such as limited-time offers, can also boost conversion by a staggering 332%.


Tips for Writing Powerful CTAs

Be Direct and Action-Oriented

CTAs should clearly convince users to take action. Avoid passive language like “Consider” or “Look Into,” which doesn’t create the sense of urgency you need. Instead, use strong, commanding language like “Buy Now,” “Get Started,” or “Claim Your Discount.” This type of wording tells users exactly what to do next, leaving no room for confusion.

Example: “Buy Now & Save 20%” instead of “Check Out Our Products.”

Align with User Intent

Your CTA needs to match the user’s intent at the moment they see your ad. If they’re in the consideration phase, they’re more likely to respond to a CTA like “Get Your Free Consultation” rather than something that pushes an immediate purchase. On the other hand, if they’re in the decision stage, a CTA like “Sign Up Now” or “Buy Today” could be more effective.

Example: A fitness brand could use, “Start Losing Weight Today” for users ready to take action, as it ties directly into the product’s benefit.

Create Urgency

People are more likely to act when they feel like they might miss out on something. Adding urgency to your CTA, such as using phrases like “Limited Time Offer” or “Only 3 Days Left,” can significantly boost your conversion rate.

Example: “Sign Up Now—Offer Ends Soon” or “Only 5 Spots Left—Join Now!”

Highlight the Benefit

A CTA is about presenting value proposition. Make sure your CTA communicates what the user will gain—whether it’s saving money, improving their health, or solving a problem.

Example: “Join the Community – Start Your Free Trial” or “Unlock Exclusive Features Today.”

Test Different Variations Ad copy testing

Don’t settle for one CTA—test multiple versions to see what resonates with your audience. Use Google Ads’ responsive search ads or Bing’s action extensions to automatically test different CTAs. For instance, Bing Ads allows you to use action extensions like “Call Now” or “Download the App,” reducing friction and making it easier for users to take immediate action.

Pro Tip: Schedule your ads to show at high-traffic times when conversion intent is higher. Testing variations of CTAs during these peak hours can reveal which emotional or urgency-driven triggers are most effective.

Keep It Short and Simple

A CTA should be concise, typically no more than five words. Users want clear, quick directions. Overloading them with too much information can have the opposite effect. Stick to simple, straightforward phrases that compel action.

Example: “Get Your Free Quote” or “Sign Up Today.”

Optimise for Mobile

With more users browsing on mobile devices, your CTA should be mobile-friendly. Make sure your mobile ads are easy to read and interact with on smaller screens.

Example: “Tap Here to Subscribe” or “Get Started Now.”

5. Use Seasonal Modifiers in your Headline

Adding seasonal modifiers in your headlines and descriptions is a powerful way to inject urgency and relevance into your Google Ads copy. Even if your product or service is available year-round, aligning your messaging with the current season can create a sense of novelty that drives engagement.

For instance, a headline like “Summer Sale—50% Off Until 31st December” capitalises on the promotion’s time-sensitive nature and seasonal context. This makes users feel like they’re getting a special, limited-time offer.

Including specific dates or timeframes further amplifies this urgency. By clearly stating when the offer ends, such as “Spring Clearance – Only 3 Days Left!”, you can nudge potential and existing customers toward quicker decisions. These seasonal cues help grab attention in a crowded market and encourage users to act now, rather than later.

Pro Tip

Test different seasonal modifiers to see which resonates across different periods of the year.

6. Maximise Impact with Strategic Ad Extensions

Ad extensions provide additional real estate to display extra information. Thus, making your Google search ads more visible and enticing. Not only do these extensions increase your ad’s visibility, but they also provide additional touchpoints for users to interact with.

Both Google Ads and Bing Ads provide a variety of ad extensions. These include:

Pro Tip

For e-commerce brands, you can also use promotion extensions in Google Ads to showcase ongoing sales or limited-time offers. This can significantly increase both CTR and conversion rates, especially during peak shopping periods like Black Friday or holiday sales.

7. Use Keyword-Rich Display URLs

Adding keywords to your display URLs can help boost your ad’s relevance and increase your chances of ranking higher for those keywords. Here are some tips on how to effectively use keyword-rich display URLs in your Google ads copy:

Boost Your Campaign Performance with Expert Ad Copy

At Evolving Digital Marketing Agency, we specialise in creating high-converting ad copy and managing PPC campaigns for both Google and Bing Ads. Our team understands the nuances of aligning keywords with user intent, crafting compelling CTAs, and optimising every element of your ads to boost engagement and drive conversions.

Whether you’re looking to refine your ad copy, conduct in-depth keyword research, or streamline your PPC management, we have the expertise to help you maximise your ROI. Let us handle your campaign management so you can focus on growing your business—while we deliver the results you need.

Unlock the Secrets to High-Converting Ad Copy

Master the Art of Persuasive Writing to Boost Your Google and Bing Ads Performance Today!

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