Search Generative Experience: The Next Era of SEO

Generative Search

The evolution of search engines has been nothing short of revolutionary. From simple keyword-based searches to sophisticated algorithms that understand context and user intent, it has continuously improved to deliver more accurate and relevant results. As we stand on the brink of another significant shift, the Search Generative Experience (SGE) promises to redefine how we interact with search engines and how SEO strategies are crafted.

Search Generative Experience (SGE) represents a new paradigm in search technology. It goes beyond merely providing a list of links in response to search queries; instead, it aims to generate comprehensive, contextually relevant answers that mimic human-like understanding and conversation. For modern SEO, understanding SGE is crucial. As it evolves, our strategies must also ensure visibility and relevance in this new landscape.

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What is Search Generative Experience?

Search Generative Experience (SGE) is an advanced search capability that leverages artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to generate detailed, context-aware responses to user queries. Unlike traditional search, which relies heavily on keyword matching and ranking algorithms, SGE focuses on understanding the intent behind a query and providing a holistic answer that addresses the user’s needs comprehensively.

How Does Google Search Generative Experience Work?

To understand Google Search Generative Experience, it is essential to understand generative AI. Generative AI refers to algorithms or models that can create content, including text, images, audio, and even code. These systems operate on large language models (LLMs), which are trained on vast amounts of data. For instance, Google uses an LLM known as the Pathways Language Model 2 (PaLM 2), which is the same technology underpinning other Google products like Gmail’s “Help me write” feature.

Google’s generative AI search leverages various AI-based technologies, including NLP, machine learning, and deep learning. These technologies enable the search engine to understand a user’s query, process relevant content, and formulate an appropriate response. For example, if a user searches for “best chocolate chip cookie recipe,” Google SGE can show three chocolate chip cookie recipes and briefly summarise each. It also prompts follow-up questions such as “What is the secret to a perfect cookie?” and provides additional information or suggestions accordingly.

Generative Search

SGE differs from traditional search experiences in several key ways:

Contextual Understanding

SGE analyses the context of a query, considering previous interactions and related topics to deliver more nuanced answers.

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Utilising advanced NLP, SGE can interpret and respond in a conversational manner, making interactions more intuitive and user-friendly.

Content Generation

SGE can create new content on the fly, synthesising information from multiple sources to provide a unified response.

To use Google SGE, you will need:

A Chrome browser

A Google account

To be 18 or over

To be based in one of the 120+ countries where Google SGE is available

Google SGE is currently an experimental feature, meaning you need to opt in to see it. Here are the steps to activate it:

Open Chrome while signed into your Google Account.

Open a new tab and go to Google.

Select the "Labs" icon at the top right of the page. If you can't find the Labs icon, it might not be available in your country yet.

On the "SGE, generative AI in Search" card, click the toggle icon.

Once these steps are completed, you will start seeing AI-generated responses for some of your queries. However, note that SGE isn’t available for all queries.

Benefits of Google's Generative AI Search

Google’s AI search capabilities are transforming how we interact with online search. Here are the key benefits:

Simple Overview of Complex Topics

Google SGE provides an easy-to-understand summary of complicated topics. Users can quickly grasp the basics without getting overwhelmed by details.

Conversational Results

SGE offers a more interactive experience than traditional search. Google suggests not only related questions but logical follow-up queries, helping users obtain highly relevant and in-depth information with just a few clicks.

Fast and Direct Information

SGE streamlines the information-gathering process. Users can find what they're looking for directly faster than navigating through multiple websites.

For instance, a search for “How is the periodic table organised?” produces a text and image answer. Google explains how the elements are arranged, how many rows and columns the periodic table has, and asking Google to compare barley and wheat grass will give an overview of each including similarities and differences, and which is the better choice depending on specific needs.

How Does Google SGE Compare to Similar AI-Powered Tools?

Google SGE vs. ChatGPT

OpenAI launched ChatGPT in November 2022, reaching 100 million users in two months. At first glance, ChatGPT and Google SGE seem to serve the same purpose: answering users’ queries. However, they differ in the following ways:

  • Ease of Access: Google SGE is a browser-based tool available only in Chrome. ChatGPT can be accessed from a browser and has a standalone app.
  • Answer Sources: Google SGE relies on information from the Internet, while ChatGPT’s knowledge base ends in September 2021.
  • User Queries: Google SGE handles factual queries exceptionally well and provides up-to-date information. ChatGPT is best suited for more imaginative queries, such as essay writing or creating art.

Google SGE vs. Bing Chat

Bing Chat, launched by Microsoft in February 2023, offers a similar AI-powered search experience to Google SGE. Both leverage powerful language models and include chat-based features that provide fast and detailed responses. However, there are some key differences:

  • Integration: Bing Chat is integrated into Microsoft Edge and the Windows taskbar.
  • Response Display: Bing Chat displays both web results and its own response, making the overall experience more balanced between traditional search and generative AI.
  • User Interaction: Bing Chat includes a feedback mechanism for users to report inaccuracies in its AI-generated answers.

The Impact of SGE on SEO

The advent of SGE brings substantial changes to search algorithms, significantly impacting strategies in SEO. Traditional SEO has largely focused on optimising for specific keywords to rank high on search engine results pages (SERPs). However, with SGE, the emphasis shifts towards understanding and catering to user intent.

Changes in Search Algorithms

Search engines are increasingly incorporating AI and machine learning models to understand and predict user behaviour. This means that SEO strategies must now consider factors beyond keywords, such as context, user history, and conversational cues.

Keyword Relevance and Search Rankings

While keywords remain important, their role is evolving. SGE prioritises content that aligns with the broader context of a query rather than just keyword matching, necessitating a more sophisticated approach to keyword research and usage.

The Role of AI and Machine Learning

AI-driven tools are becoming indispensable for analysing and predicting search trends. These tools help in creating content that will not only rank well but also engage and retain users by addressing their specific needs and preferences.

Optimising for Search Generative Experience

To thrive in the era of SGE, digital marketers and SEO professionals need to adapt their strategies. Here are some practical tips and strategies for optimising content for SGE:

Content Creation Strategies

  • Emphasising Natural Language and Conversational Tone: Content should be written in a way that mimics natural conversation. This includes using everyday language, answering potential follow-up questions, and providing clear, concise information.
  • Importance of Semantic SEO and Context: Focus on the meaning and context of the content rather than just individual keywords. Use related terms and phrases that a user might search for, ensuring that the content is comprehensive and contextually relevant.
  • Utilising Structured Data and Schema Markup: Implementing structured data helps search engines understand the content better and can enhance the appearance of the results in SERPs. This includes rich snippets, which can provide more information to users directly in the search results.

Technical SEO Considerations

  • Enhancing Site Speed and Mobile Responsiveness: Fast-loading, mobile-friendly websites are crucial. Sites that provide a seamless user experience across all devices are more favoured.
  • Implementing AI-Driven SEO Tools: Leverage AI-driven tools to analyse user behaviour, predict trends, and optimise content. These tools can offer insights into what users are searching for and how to meet their needs best.

User Experience Optimisation

  • Prioritising User Intent and Engagement: Understand what users seek and create content that satisfies their needs. This involves analysing user behaviour and feedback to refine and improve content continually.
  • Personalisation and Dynamic Content Delivery: Use personalisation to deliver content tailored to individual users. Dynamic content that adapts to user preferences can significantly enhance engagement and retention.

Partnering for Success in the Era of SGE

Search Generative Experience represents a transformative shift in the world of SEO. By understanding and embracing SGE, digital marketers, SEO professionals, and business owners can stay ahead of the curve, ensuring their content and digital presence remain relevant and effective. As search technology continues to evolve, the ability to adapt and innovate will be key to long-term success in the ever-changing digital landscape.

Are you ready to navigate the future of AI & SEO with confidence? Work with Evolving Digital, an SEO Agency, keeping up to speed with the evolving digital landscape and the latest in search technology. Contact us today to start optimising for success in the era of SGE.


Ready to see whats possible? Don’t get left behind. SGE and AI are already 10 steps ahead. Contact us to take the next step. 

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