The Beginner’s Guide to Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

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Table of Contents

What is Conversion Rate Optimization?

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the systematic process of increasing the percentage of website visitors who take the desired action — whether filling out a form, becoming customers or otherwise.

CRO also deepens your understanding of user behaviour and the purchasing decision pathway. By understanding your customer’s concerns and pain points and leveraging data to better connect with your target audience, you will be well on the way to boost conversions, sales, and ROI.

Why is Conversion Rate Optimization Important?

Conversion rate optimization is important because it helps you get the most out of your existing traffic. It also paves the way for more conversions from future traffic by helping you better understand your target audience and what they want.

While traffic acquisition can be a challenge in and of itself, it’s only half the battle. Once you’ve managed to get people to your site, you need to make sure they take the desired action — whether making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or filling out a form. That’s where conversion rate optimization comes in.

CRO is a crucial part of any digital marketing strategy because it allows you to:

Increase revenue from your existing traffic

Get more leads and sales from future traffic

Better understand your target audience

Improve the overall user experience on your website

On average, websites have an average conversion rate of 2.35%, equating to an estimated 1 of every 40 website interactions resulting in a conversion. Comparatively, top-performing websites implementing CRO have a conversion rate of 11.45%. (Wordstream, 2022)

While a 2.35% conversion rate may not seem like much, even small improvements can significantly impact overall conversions and revenue. For example, improving your conversion rate by 1% can increase revenue by up to 50%.

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is an ongoing process that draws on quantitative data analysis, user research and systematic optimization efforts that result in statistically significant website activity: leads generated, more traffic, and conversion goal completions.

Get started with Conversion Rate Optimization

The best place to start with conversion rate optimisation will vary depending on your website, business goals, and current conversion rate. However, here are a few general tips to get you started on the right foot:

Define your conversion goals

The first step in any conversion rate optimization process is to define your goals. What are you hoping to achieve by improving your website’s conversion rate? More sales? More newsletter sign-ups? More form submissions? Once you know what you want to achieve, you can start a CRO process to make it happen.

Identify your key conversion points

The next step is to identify your key conversion points — the places on your website where you want visitors to take action. This could be your home page, product pages, pricing page, curated landing page, contact form, etc. Once you know where you want visitors to convert, you can start to optimize those pages for maximum impact.

Analyze your website data

Website data can be a goldmine of information about your visitors and their behaviour. Use Google Analytics or another similar platform to take a closer look at your website traffic and see where visitors are dropping off the most. This will give you a good idea of where to focus your efforts in terms of conversion rate optimization.

Perform A/B testing

A/B testing (or split testing) is a powerful tool that can help you optimize your website for conversions. Essentially, A/B testing involves creating two versions of a page on your website and then testing to see which version performs better in terms of conversions. This is a great way to fine-tune your website and make sure that it’s as effective as possible.

These are just a few general tips to get you started with conversion rate optimization.

Benefits of Conversion Optimization

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There are countless benefits to implementing conversion rate optimization, from doubling leads and sales to better understanding your target audience and improving your website’s overall user experience.

Some of the most notable benefits of conversion rate optimization include:

Generate More Leads and Sales

This is, of course, the ultimate goal of any business. And by implementing conversion rate optimization strategies, you can increase the number of leads and sales you generate from your website or landing page.

Attract Qualified Website Visitors to Your Site

CRO can help you to identify the kinds of people who are most likely to convert to your site. You can use this information to better target your marketing efforts so that you attract more qualified website visitors to your product pages and landing pages.

Build Better Relationships with Your Customers

You can build better relationships by understanding what motivates your customers and what turns them off. An enhanced online experience, in turn, can lead to improved customer loyalty and higher conversion rates.

Improve the User Experience on Your Website

By making your website more user-friendly and easy to navigate, you can improve the overall user experience. This can lead to higher conversion rates as well as lower bounce rates.

Enhance Your Conversion Funnel

Conversion rate optimization can help you to identify and fix any issues in your conversion funnel so that more visitors make it through to the end of the process.

Increase Sales and Goal Completions

By increasing your conversion rate, you can increase sales and goal completions on your website, and this can have a significant impact on your bottom line.

Improve Your Site’s Conversion Rate

Conversion rate optimization is a digital marketing strategy that can be used across all channels to increase the number of conversions. By using techniques such as A/B testing and personalization, you can boost your conversion rate and improve your bottom line. And when combined with other digital marketing channels, such as social media and paid advertising, the results can be even more impressive.

Convert Site Visitors Into Paying Customers

Conversion rate optimization can help you increase conversions and the number of leads and sales you generate from your website or landing page.

The CRO Process

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How to Improve and Optimize Your Conversion Rates

There are a number of different ways to optimize conversion rates, but the most effective approach will vary depending on your business, your products or services, and your target audience. That said, there are a few general principles that all businesses can use to improve their conversion rates. These include:

Make it easy for visitors to take the desired action

If you want people to buy your product, newsletter sign up, or fill out a form, you need to make it easy for them to do so. That means having a clear and concise call to action (CTA) that is visible and easy to find. It also means eliminating obstacles that might stand in the way of someone taking the desired action.

Streamline the user experience

The easier it is for people to use your website, the more likely they are to take the desired action. That means having a well-designed website that is easy to navigate and provides a seamless user experience. It also means ensuring that all your web pages are loading quickly and without errors.

Improve the quality of your traffic

To increase your conversion rate, you need to focus on quality over quantity when it comes to website traffic. That means attracting visitors who are interested in what you have to offer and are more likely to take the desired action. You can do this by identifying your target audience and using targeted marketing techniques to reach them.

Test different approaches and measure results

The only way to know what works best for your business is to test different approaches and see what yields the best results. That means trying out different CTAs, design changes, and traffic sources to see what has the most significant impact on your conversion rate. Once you’ve found something that works, you can focus on scaling up your efforts to get even more conversions.

Personalise your CTA’s, emails and landing pages

A great way to improve conversion rates is to personalise your CTA’s, emails and landing pages. This means using the visitor’s name, location or other data points to make the offer more relevant and appealing to them. Personalisation can be a powerful tool in increasing conversions by up to 202%, so it’s worth testing out. (Wordstream, 2021)

Include customer testimonials

These are just a few of the most important things to keep in mind when it comes to conversion rate optimization. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to increasing your conversion rate and boosting your bottom line.

Email Marketing and the CRO process

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Conversion rate optimization isn’t just a technique applied to websites and landing pages; it is a digital marketing strategy used across all marketing channels to increase conversions. One common CRO tactic that is often used in email marketing is A/B testing. This involves sending out two different versions of an email to a segmented list of subscribers and then measuring the results to see which version performed better.

Another CRO tactic that can be used in email marketing is personalisation. Marketing personalisation involves tailoring your emails’ content to match each individual subscriber’s interests. By doing this, you are more likely to pique their interest and encourage them to take the desired action.

Email CRO Tip: Only include 1 CTA in your email and craft everything from your subject line to your body copy with one clear message that guides the reader to take that action. Having just 1 CTA per email campaign can boost your click-through-rate (CTR) by 371% and increase sales by 1 617%. (Wordstream, 2021)

Email CRO Tip

Only include 1 CTA in your email and craft everything from your subject line to your body copy with one clear message that guides the reader to take that action. Having just 1 CTA per email campaign can boost your click-through-rate (CTR) by 371% and increase sales by 1 617%. (Wordstream, 2021)

Make Social Media Work for CRO

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Social media is another important digital marketing channel to consider when it comes to conversion rate optimization and developing your conversion funnel. You can drive online traffic directly to your website or landing page by generating engagement and click-throughs from social media. And once people are on your website, you then have the opportunity to convert them into customers or leads.

You can use social media for CRO in a variety of ways. Creating shareable content that includes a CTA is a blog post, infographic, video, or a simple image with a call to action. Sharing content on social media can encourage people to click through to your website or landing page.

Social Media CRO Tip

To achieve the highest conversion rate, always drive your traffic back to a customised and relevant landing page. Data shows that with a direct and relevant landing page that directly relates to and nurtures the customer journey, conversion rates improve, on average, by 30%. (Unbounce).

Paid Advertising and Conversion Rate Optimisation

Paid advertising is one of the best approaches to driving relevant, qualified leads to your website or landing page. The platform with the highest average conversion rate is Paid Search, with a total conversion rate of 2.9%. (Smart Insights)

With the advanced targeting and customisation capabilities of Google Ads, you can deliver ads to people who are most likely to convert, making the most out of your advertising spend.

When running a paid advertising campaign, always send traffic to a relevant and optimised landing page. This will help to increase conversion rates and get the most out of your investment.

Paid advertising can be a very effective way to improve your conversion rate. However, it is vital to make sure that you are targeting the right audience with your ads and that your landing page is optimised for conversion. If you don’t do this, you could waste a lot of money on ads that don’t result in conversions.

How to calculate conversion rate

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Conversion rate is the percentage of visitors to your website who take action, such as making a purchase or subscribing to your newsletter. It can be calculated by dividing the number of conversions by the number of visitors.

For example, if you had 100 visitors to your website and 10 made a purchase, your conversion rate would be 10%.

What is a good conversion rate?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as it will vary depending on your industry, product, and target audience. However, a good starting point is 2-3%.

Best CRO Tools

There are a number of the best CRO tools that you can use to track and measure your conversion rate. The most popular options include Google Analytics, KISSmetrics, and Mixpanel.

Google Analytics

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Google Analytics is a free web analytics tool that can be used to track conversions and conversion rates, as well as Google Analytics (quantitative data). It also provides detailed data on website visitor engagement, bounce rate and activity.


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KISSmetrics is a paid web analytics tool that offers a number of features for tracking conversions and implementing conversion optimization, including A/B testing and cohort analysis.


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Mixpanel is another paid web analytics tool that can be used to track conversions and conversion optimization rates. It offers a number of features, such as heatmaps and conversion funnel analysis.

Let's Sum It Up

To sum it up, conversion rate optimization is a digital marketing strategy that can be used across all channels to increase the number of conversions. By using techniques such as A/B testing and personalization, you can boost your conversion rate and improve your bottom line.

And when combined with other digital marketing channels, such as social media and paid advertising, the results can be even more impressive.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you take your business to the next level.

Evolving Digital is a full-service digital marketing agency that specializes in helping businesses achieve their goals.

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