What is a Landing Page?

Blog Post: What is a landing page?

Scratching your head, wondering what the difference is between a landing page and a web page? You’re not alone. But if you’ve found yourself here because you want to run successful digital marketing campaigns that drive leads and sales, then you’ve come to the right place. 

A landing page is a dedicated page for lead generation with one specific intent: to provide compelling information about either your product range or service offering, whereas a website contains all possible relevant information about your business alongside your entire product range or niche service offerings.

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The Difference Between a Landing Page and a Website

What is a Landing Page? | Evolving Digital

To kick things straight off, let’s define the difference between a website and a landing page. Let’s think of a landing page as a shop front. Your shopfront is designed to capture the attention of passers-by. This is where you promote your best deals, products and services. Inside your store is the inventory, product range and customer service. Depending upon your product or service offering, it will differ, but you get the gist. 

On your website, customers can perform multiple actions depending on their objective and source information relevant to whatever stage of the digital journey, whether that be providing top-of-funnel information to your detailed bio. It houses all business-relevant information designed to inform and nurture browsers from the beginning to the end of the buyers’ journey. We aren’t saying here that your website won’t convert or lead to purchases. What we are saying is that a landing page will do it better. Research exploring customer journeys and sales funnels shows that for every ten browsers that end up on a well-designed landing page, one will convert into a customer. 

A landing page is a curated conversion-focused page that has a specific intent. Being 100% clear on your campaign objective and target audience is essential to getting your landing page right. This will inform everything from the design and messaging to the products or services you choose to showcase. 

Why Landing Page Important?

So what are the benefits of creating a campaign-specific landing page?

Helps You Generate Leads Easily

Many companies today send their traffic to their home pages, but this is not the best thing to do. Even though you could capture leads from doing this, there’s a more effective way to do it—and that is through landing pages.

Landing pages are excellent tools for helping you capture leads and convert them into customers. With the right offer, landing pages are helpful for generating leads, especially when paired with strong call-to-action buttons that drive a target customer to sign up or complete a conversion goal.

For example, if you are a financial advisor, it’s important to have a landing page that showcases your expertise and offer with a simple lead capture form that leads to an appointment with your company.

Gathers Demographic Information About Your Customers

Creating landing pages are great for helping you gather demographic information about your customers. For example, if you own an online shoe store, you can use your landing pages to gather information about your customers’ demographics, interests and key drivers.

When you know more about your target customers, you will know how best to market your product to them. You can also use this information to improve your product and services.

Know Which Audience is More Engaged

Markets are segmented into various segments, each with a specific audience. You can use landing pages to gather information about your customers to know which audience is more engaged with your brand.

Once you know this information, you can start working on a new marketing strategy to engage this specific audience.

Provides Insights Into the Effectiveness of Your Strategies

Landing pages are great tools for helping you track the effectiveness of your strategies. For example, if you have a specific offer, you can use a landing page to track how many customers have signed up for the offer.

With landing page data, you can determine the number of customers interested in your offer and the conversion rate of your lead capture form.

The Types of Landing Pages

What is a Landing Page? | Evolving Digital

There are many different types of landing pages for you to use depending on your offers or promotions. Some of the most common landing pages are:

Squeeze Page

Believe it or not, a squeeze page is designed to “squeeze” information out of your visitors. A squeeze page is a landing page that focuses on a primary CTA to ensure that the conversion rate is high. This type of landing page is usually short and to the point with a specific goal.

Squeeze pages can be used for promoting leads and products, and they usually feature compelling headlines combined with a high-value offer.

Splash Page

The splash page works like an intermediary page. This type of landing page provides a compelling and engaging visual experience, especially when it is paired with a high-impact lead capture form.

Usually, a splash page is loaded with eye-catching graphics and other visual elements to attract the visitor’s attention.

One important thing to note about splash pages is that they are mainly used to promote a new product or service.

Lead Capture Landing Pages

Lead capture is a widely-used landing page style because it’s versatile, which makes it popular among marketers in the middle of funnel stages. It Is designed to lead visitors to a CTA that will help you capture their information.

The best lead-capture landing pages often feature a high-impact image as the main image and a short, compelling headline that promises to solve a specific problem.

Click-Through Landing Page

A click-through landing page gives visitors all the details they need about the product or service without getting stressed about purchasing. It is designed to get visitors to click a particular link.

Most of the time, this type of landing page contains high-quality images and a compelling headline that will lead visitors to click the link. On the other hand, the copy is focused on being informational with friendly call-to-action buttons that do not “force” visitors to buy.

Long-Form Sales Landing Page

When creating a long-form sales landing page, you need to know every question your customer has about what you’re offering. This also includes every barrier they might face and every benefit they will get when purchasing.

Keep in mind that this is a sales page and a long one, which means that it should be detailed. The main goal of a long-form sales page is to close the deal with your customers.

Thank You Landing Page

A thank you landing page isn’t there just to say “thank you” to customers who purchased. Instead, it is a way for you to nurture your leads. A thank you landing page is where users are redirected once they have filled out a form, entered their details or purchased.

As part of your Thank You landing page, you can include recommended content, or you can also list other products or services. This can also be a great opportunity for you to share social proof.

Tips Before You Create a Landing Page

Now that we have covered the basics, it’s time to learn some of the best landing page tips:

Be Clear With Your Goal

Before you start working on landing pages, it is essential to set a goal. You have to know what you want from your landing page. Depending on your goal, you will have to choose the best elements for your landing page and design it in a way that will lead to your desired result.

For example, if you want to generate leads for your products, your landing page will have to feature an enticing offer that will appeal to your target customers. On the other hand, if you want to drive more traffic to your website, you will have to use a more engaging landing page design.

Know Your Audience

For a compelling landing page, you have to know your target audience. Do as much research as you can to learn about your audience’s pain points, desires and interests. You can use Google Analytics to learn more about their gender, age, browsing habits, and more. All of this information will be useful to you when you are about to create a landing page.

Get to Know Your Competitors

Now, it’s time to get to know your competitors. This way, you will know what to do with your landing page to differentiate yourself from other companies. Spend time looking at what they are offering and see what makes them stand out.

How to Create a Landing Page That Converts

Business Competitors | Evolving Digital | Digital Marketing Agency

All landing pages’ main goal is to convert their visitors; however, this will not happen by simply being present online. There are some things you need to do to ensure that the landing page will convert. So, here are some things you need to know:

Have a Clear Page Structure

Page structure is vital in websites, and it’s also important for your landing page. Despite the lack of pages, your visitors must be able to skim through your content quickly. Users must be able to identify what the landing page is about and what’s in it for them.

Ideally, your landing page will have several headings, whilst some may even showcase testimonials, FAQs, and more.

How the landing page is structured is important as this will ensure the entire page is readable and easily understandable. Remember, your landing page doesn’t need to be excessively long.

Use High-Quality Visuals

Did you know that 90 percent of the information that the brain receives is visual? What this means for your landing page is that a huge chunk of your visitors will likely skim through your page instead of reading it word for word. That’s why you need to ensure that you place high-quality visuals in the forms of videos, images, infographics, and more.

Create a Copy That Connects To a Personal Level

Your landing page copy should be amazing— it should be compelling and engaging, and it should connect to your target audience on a personal level. The last part is vital because this is the one thing that will encourage them to take your desired action.

Bounce rates tend to be high on landing pages because even if they have been around for some time, many people still can’t grasp the importance of copy that connects on a personal and needs-based level.

To be able to do this, you really need to dig deep and know who the landing page is for. Know their pain points, and from there, you can create a strategy that will work for you.

Include Social Proof

Social proof is considered to be the “secret sauce” to landing pages. But how do you get social proof? If you already have reviews on your social media platforms or on Google, then that’s a good start. To get more, it’s best to look through other platforms and email accounts and post them on your landing page.

Suppose you don’t have any reviews yet. The best way to gain them is by reaching out to your clients to get some. Be specific and aim for reviews that are realistic and detailed. It’s also a good idea to add images next to your reviews for that personal touch.

Have a Strong Call-to-Action

Every landing page must have a strong call-to-action—after all, isn’t that the point? Your CTA shouldn’t be in one section of your landing page. You want to have several offers throughout the page to give users many opportunities to take your desired action. Ideally, have a CTA at the beginning, middle, and end of your copy.

Make sure the CTAs stand out to ensure that they won’t get lost on the page. A good idea would be to have them in bold to make them pop.

Create High Converting Landing Pages Today

Here at Evolving Digital, we have an excellent team that specialises in creating high-converting landing pages for our clients. With our help, you don’t need to look for the best landing page builder or any other landing page examples out there. We will customise a high-converting landing page just for you that suits your brand.

We will ensure all descriptive headlines are there, along with a brief description that highlights your brand’s value proposition. We will address every pain point that your customer has that will boost your conversion rates. In addition, we will craft a compelling call to action that directs visitors to your desired action. And that’s not all; this will even boost the search traffic of your own site.


What are landing page builders?

Landing page builders are used by users who are not tech-savvy to build a landing page from scratch. These builders are usually drag-and-drop tools that make it easier for users to create a great landing page. There are many landing page builders that you can find today. To find the best landing page builder, we recommend you do a thorough research first.

What is good landing page design?

How you design your landing page will depend on your niche and what you want to achieve. Remember the basics—informative, welcoming, and attention-grabbing. Take the time to work on the design to achieve a good landing page that will convert visitors. To ensure the best landing page, add your value proposition.

How does search engine optimization help make effective landing pages?

Great landing pages take time, and SEO plays an important role here. As part of digital marketing, SEO best practices will enable you to ensure that your landing page is optimized for search engines. SEO ensures that all the right keywords are there to boost its search ranking and keep your reader’s attention. With SEO, you gain higher chances to show up in the search results.

Navigation links on a landing page are not recommended because they will likely lead users to another page. On the other hand, it still depends on the goal of your landing page. Some of the reasons many landing pages have navigation links, such as a search bar, are to take visitors to the main homepage, bring visitors to other website pages, let visitors share the landing page on social media, or take them to a service page.

Unlock the Power of Landing Pages!

Discover how a well-crafted landing page can boost conversions and drive results for your business. Dive in to learn the essentials!

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